The River of Life
The concept of a human being making a journey along the River of Life
is one that I hold dear. To me it means that you start your journey along
your very own River of Life on the day you are born and the journey along
the river continues until the day you die.

Every person is free to decide whether they want to go with the flow
and take the hard way down waterfalls or get stuck in a giant whirlpool or whether
they want to explore every tributary and spend time on something that may not
turn out to be the right direction. There are also people who are
constantly trying to fight back against the current to relive something.
They have not learned to let go of the past, which is imperative for moving forward in life.
Many people can find it difficult to do anything beyond staying afloat
and too many people never achieve that amazing feeling of being
in control of where they are being led. They work against nature or throw
themselves headlong into things. They forget to use their common sense and fail
to understand that no matter what they do, or even if they do nothing at all,
their choices will have consequences and an impact on their future life.
The more people realize that they have a choice and that they don’t necessarily
have to be limited to just staying afloat and using their energy to avoid
sinking to the bottom or getting caught in a vortex that traps them,
the better their life quality will be. It is every person’s own task to make
their journey along the River of their Life as easy and pleasant as possible.
But there are several different tools that can help them move on safely.
It is important to learn as early as possible how to navigate and steer around
the many different hazards encountered in life. Situations that cannot be
avoided because they are part of life itself. But if you have learned to
navigate and learned how to use your common sense, you will be able
to make the journey comfortable and safe and above all get in the
right direction without wasting unnecessary time steering along tributaries
and having to fight your way back to the mother river.
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Hanne Buggild
Feminine Empowerment Expert and Author