Hannah's life was marked by emotional abandonment and unfathomable abuse from those closest to her, leaving her alone and scarred by the trauma she endured. However, an encounter with a remarkable woman brought a glimmer of hope and a new path to her tumultuous existence.
The River of Life: Staying Afloat, tells the first part of Hannah's journey toward healing from past traumas, tapping into her inherent feminine power and gradually starting to feel confident and empowered and ready to meet love. This book enables the reader to understand the importance of getting in touch with their femininity and sexuality and thereby gaining more self-confidence and strength.
Buggild's powerful narrative explores the resilience of the human spirit in the face of immense pain and suffering. The book is a testament to the fact that support and love can come from unexpected places, helping us navigate life's dangerous rapids and intense currents.
Hanne Buggild’s book explores tragic themes of betrayal, abandonment, and abuse. In her book, she reveals an exceptional human spirit and the power of resilience and strength to overcome difficult circumstances.
—Peggy McColl,
New York Times Bestselling Author
The River of Life: Staying Afloat is a gripping book that captures the reader’s attention from start to finish. Hannah’s journey toward survival is so captivating that the reader becomes emotionally invested in her story. Follow her path, and find yourself willing her to break free from her past and thrive in a new life.
—Judy O’Beirn,
International Bestselling Author
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