Hello, how are you? I'm Hanne Buggild, a Feminine Empowerment Expert and an Intimacy and Sexuality Educator.
And I help women feel sexy, confident, and empowered in all aspects of their lives. I do this through my exclusive training called "The Sensual Mastery Method", designed to help you tap into your unique feminine power, embrace your sensuality, boost your self-esteem, activate your "self-love", and unlock your true sexual potential while giving you the key to creating a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.
I wrote my first book twenty-five years ago (a crime novel). Since then, I have written seven books in different genres, all published in Denmark: personal development, women’s fiction, and provocative romance.
In my upcoming book, The River of Life, I have mixed all three genres. I love to mix fiction with experiences from my own life, and it’s always fun for readers to guess what’s real and what’s fiction!
I am a Danish businesswoman and mother of three, and I live live in a lovely apartment in a new part of Copenhagen overlooking the beautiful canals. I also love traveling, experiencing nature and meeting new people, and I've traveled all over Europe and love driving around the US.

I wrote "The River of Life - Staying Afloat" as a tribute to women who have struggled in life but are dreaming of rising and finding themselves and their way along the River of Life.
"The River of Life - Staying Afloat" can be read as a love story where the reader focuses on the main character and the men in her life. But it can also be read in a deeper way, focusing on how the main character, the very tall Hannah, manages to stay afloat in a life that would cause many to sink to the bottom. With the help and guidance of her mentor and grandmother figure, she manages not only to stay afloat but also to take control of her life.
"The River of Life" also contains an important element on female sexuality, and the book enables the reader to understand the importance of getting in touch with their femininity and sexuality in order to gain more confidence and strength.

I have created "The Sensual Mastery Method" which is a unique program designed to help you tap into your unique feminine power, embrace your sensuality, boost your self-esteem, activate your self-love and unlock your true sexual potential, while giving you the key to creating a life of purpose and fulfillment.
The program helps women feel sexy, confident and empowered in all aspects of their lives.
"The Sensual Mastery Method" uses the methods from the books "The River of Life" and "Unlock Your True Potential" along with several other unique methods developed through my more than 20 years of experience with women and their sexuality and dreams of living a life that satisfies not only their body but also their soul.
I also offer online coaching either 1:1 or for smaller groups.
I am an international speaker, and am always keen to actively involve the audience in the presentation, so there will always be one or more surprising moments in the show. I have many years of experience talking about sexuality and do so in a sober and professional manner.
If you want more info about program/speaking or coaching, feel free to contact me using the form below
This review is translated from Danish
I had never before realized that everyone follows their own River of Life. But when I first read Hanne's draft of The River of Life, I was completely blown away! I could easily relate to the main character's feelings. I too felt often stuck in a whirlpool without being able to move on on tossed over the edge of a huge waterfall. I look forward to the book being published here shortly. I must definitely secure a signed copy.
This review is translated from Danish
A good love story is one of my favorite things and I am very happy that I am one of the first people who got to read the first draft of The River of Life! Fantastic story that I can't wait to immerse myself in as soon as it is published. I loved the shifts from Copenhagen to New York and back to the beautiful scenery by the North Sea
This review is translated from Danish
It was a really exciting experience to work with Hanne and experience how she quickly found my core problem. Which was something completely different than I expected it to be. I had three sessions with Hanne and after that I was fully able to continue my journey on my own.
This review is translated from Danish
After a seminar with Hanne, I realized that I had never really understood how to use my feminine power. I decided it was time to change that and already during the first session with Hanne I got some tools that would give me more self-confidence, allowing me to start trusting myself and be able to show the world who I really was.

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